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Description: VC技术内幕第四版.和各位大大一起分享.-The fourth edition of VC technology insider. And I greatly share.
Platform: | Size: 3398656 | Author: 张丽滨 | Hits:


Description: 很好的一部vc电子书,希望大家喜欢, 可以好好研读,vc++,单文档,对话框,视图,-Vc a good book, I hope you like, you can make good reading, vc++, A single document, dialog box, views,
Platform: | Size: 1096704 | Author: wp | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVC

Description: C++精华贴合集。从各大网站,论坛收集的精华贴子,相信大家遇到的一些问题大部分可以在这里找到,解决。-C++ best paste Collection. From the major sites, to collect the essence of the forum postings, I believe that everyone most of some of the problems encountered can be found here to solve.
Platform: | Size: 1864704 | Author: lee | Hits:

[Game Programgame(vc)

Description: 我毕业设计做的一款3D游戏,看看,如果在此基础上继续开发,绝对比《仙剑》还要好的-I graduated from design to do a 3D game to see if on this basis to continue the development of an absolute than " 仙剑" still good
Platform: | Size: 14892032 | Author: 李彤惠 | Hits:

[Windows Develop3D_game_demo(VC)

Description: 3D界面游戏,点击鼠标可发射不同颜色的圆环,伴随着发射声音,圆环沿着鼠标方向快速飞行,当遇到障碍物时,会按照反射方向飞行。可移动鼠标来确定3D空间物景发射的角度,游戏场景清晰,感觉像玩网游一样,身临其境~~···试试看哦,-3D game interface, click the mouse to launch the ring in different colors, along with the launch of the voice of the mouse along the circle direction of rapid flight, when faced with obstacles when flying in accordance with the direction of reflection. Can move the mouse to determine the 3D space objects launched King' s point of view, clear the game scenes, I feel like playing online games, like feeling ~~··· give it a try Oh, Hei hei
Platform: | Size: 7002112 | Author: xiaoxu | Hits:

[Windows DevelopKillProcess

Description: 本人用vc写的一个用来关闭进程的小程序。目的是针对某些可恶的流氓软件的进程。方便使用。把你想要关闭的可恶进程名称改下,编译就可以了。-Vc I used to write a process used to close the applet. Aimed at certain abominable rogue software process. Ease of use. You want to shut down the process of name change of the hateful, the compiler on it.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 王文洪 | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackWaiGuai(vc)

Description: 我从一个公司里搞到的盛大传奇外挂源代码(vc),仅供学习使用-I got company from a legend of the grand source code plug-in (vc), only learning to use
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 万献建 | Hits:

[Audio programdts

Description: DTS在VC上的代码,我改动了其中量化部分,将其一部分浮点运算改为了定点。-DTS code base on VC, I quantify some of these changes, will be replaced by its part of the fixed-point floating-point operations.
Platform: | Size: 390144 | Author: xcg | Hits:


Description: 这本书详细介绍VC++下的标准模板库,是所有进行VC++开发的程序员都应该了解的。希望大家喜欢。-Details of the book under VC++ Standard Template Library, is all for the development of VC++ programmers should be aware of. I hope you like.
Platform: | Size: 9675776 | Author: 伟龙 | Hits:


Description: 该代码为VC++技术内幕第五版随书源代码,它囊括了VC编程尤其是MFC编程的绝大部分内容,而且相当基础,相信可以帮助大家更好地学习VC!-The code for VC++ technology, with the fifth edition of the book Inside the source code, which covers the VC program, especially the vast majority of the content of MFC programming, but also a solid foundation, I believe can help us to better study the VC!
Platform: | Size: 4330496 | Author: guogaofeng | Hits:


Description: 用VC操作XML,包括建立,取值,遍历..等!~可以当作配置文件来使用,相当于ini文件一样,扩展性非常不错-VC operations with XML, including the establishment, values, traversal, etc. ..! ~ Can be used as the configuration file to use, equivalent to the same ini file, scalability is very good
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 刘勇 | Hits:


Description: 此资料源于电子科大教程(VC++),本人看了一遍感觉蛮好的,值得大家学习!-This information was taken from UESTC Tutorial (VC++), I watched it again feels just fine, and worth learning!
Platform: | Size: 6609920 | Author: 彭能能 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringvc-lin-232

Description: 分析了L IN 总线协议的特点、报文帧结构及校验方法, 以V isual C+ + 6. 0 为开发平台, 利用W indow s A P I 函数通过PC 机的RS232 口实现了基于L IN 总线协议的串口通信. 给出了实现的部分流程图及代码, 在通信过程中 选择简便的奇偶校验及和校验进行差错校验, 保证了数据的无差错传输.-分析了L IN 总线协议的特点、报文帧结构及校验方法, 以V isual C++ 6. 0 为开发平台, 利用W indow s A P I 函数通过PC 机的RS232 口实现了基于L IN 总线协议的串口通信. 给出了实现的部分流程图及代码, 在通信过程中 选择简便的奇偶校验及和校验进行差错校验, 保证了数据的无差错传输.
Platform: | Size: 224256 | Author: newstarnul | Hits:


Description: 此C程序源程序文件夹包含了6个小游戏,其中有扫雷、贪吃蛇、迷宫、炸弹人这些经典游戏,也有适合小学生检查学习的加法游戏,还有用rectangle画方形的源程序。我还是一个初学者,希望通过贵网站学到更多!-This C program source folder contains 6 small game, including mine clearance, Snake, maze, bombs were these classic games, but also checks for students to learn the game of addition, there are painted with a square of the source rectangle. I was a beginner, hoping to learn more through your website!
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: dorothy | Hits:

[Windows Developipv6

Description: vc下的socket编程,ipv6测试程序示例。-vc socket under the program, ipv6 test program example.
Platform: | Size: 8232960 | Author: rainov | Hits:


Description: 基于vc6.0串口通讯上位机温度软件,可以画出实时曲线,显示时间和接收的温度,我花了很长时间才搞定。-PC-based serial communication vc6.0 temperature software, you can draw the curve in real time, display time and receive the temperature, I took a long time to get it.
Platform: | Size: 4446208 | Author: 兆升 | Hits:

[File OperateVC-Excel

Description: VC++读写Excel文件,经本人证实成功了的-VC to read and write Excel files, after I confirmed the success of
Platform: | Size: 765952 | Author: waylvm2 | Hits:

[Com PortVC-communication

Description: 一个比较完整串口通信程序vc++源代码 相信大家看后一定会有收获的!--a relatively complete serial communication program source code vc I believe we will certainly have to see after harvest!
Platform: | Size: 1903616 | Author: 王海波 | Hits:


Description: vc++调试技巧(全),适合新手刚开始学习vc时,不知如何调试,这里给出了极其详细的调试技术,手把手教你vc的调试技巧-when vc++ debugging skills (full), suitable for beginners to start learning vc, I do not know how to debug, given the extremely detailed debugging techniques, Shoubashoujiao you vc debugging skills
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: hali | Hits:

[Special EffectsVC

Description: 汽车压双黄线编程代码,基于VC++,代码附有相信解释-Automotive pressure double yellow lines of programming code, based VC++, I believe the code with explanation
Platform: | Size: 11757568 | Author: | Hits:
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